111 sutter spec suite
san francisco, ca
As building architect for the 111 Sutter property, located in San Francisco’s busy Financial District, Revel set out to design a spec suite that would meet the demands of today’s leasing market and give clients a peek into the possibilities of the building.
The suite offers modern amenities that interject new energy into the space and are juxtaposed against views of the historic brick exterior of the building. In order to allow for maximum daylight to fill the space the conference room was located at the end of the suite with circulation designed toward the core of the floorplan.
Easily accessed from BART concourses and other transit options, this is the ideal location for an office trying to make an impact on the culture of their workforce. Revel has completed numerous spec suite’s within the building and worked with clients such as Turo and Redbubble to transform a spec suite into a one of a kind office that is reflective of their mission and culture.