995 Market
San Francisco, Ca
995 Market Street started its life just after the 1906 earthquake as an office building, and a century later that’s still what it is. But a lot has changed in a hundred years, and the building needed some 21st-century love. NicholsBooth was hired to improve both the exterior and interior. Outside, we replaced a metal cladding system with a stucco panel system, repaired and cleaned the glazing, and waterproofed the building. Inside, the common areas and restrooms were renovated, the building was seismically updated and various code deficiencies were resolved. We removed the dropped-acoustical panels to expose the original period features and ceilings. New finishes and lighting treatments have given this old girl new life. Through a careful sequencing of permit submittals, we pulled the project through the City’s approval process on schedule and met a tight budget. Adding to the client’s satisfaction: 75% of the building was immediately leased to one tenant.